Saturday, June 4, 2011


First post! I'm going to go work on my template, I'll be back soon!


Ok everyone! this is my official first post!!! every post before this one is stuff that has been back dated, i'm goin to be pulling my stuff from across the internet and posting it here because this is going to be my home site:)

This is going to be an art blog, here's a resent quick sketch of mine:
I'll post the finished version of this sketch here too...when I ever get around to finishing it that is..


Ok! Here's that thing I said I was going to finish. yepyepyep...I've got so much to learn about art and digital coloring it's ridicules!
 Btw, this is Ji, dancing in the nude to her MP3 player. lalala, I don't know what I was thinking when I drew this.