Thursday, January 3, 2013




Book cover project for my Illustration Media and techniques class I took last spring(2012). For this project we had to pick two books by the same author and create two covers that worked off of each other in water media(water color).

   For my books I chose Neil Gaiman's 'Coraline' and 'Stardust.'
I feel like the Coraline cover is the weaker of the two I created. I kind of rushed it, but I learned that it's better to experiment with color studies then to just jump right in. This piece has been heavily edited digitally to get the colors right. I still feel like I could have done Coraline's cover better and I might revisit this piece in the future.
  The Stardust cover earned me an honorable mention in the local Rebel show and will be featured in the Rebel's yearly publication alongside my 'FancyFoxTeaParty'   (which earned 2nd place in the Illustration competition).
  My style is slowly evolving into something that I can be proud of, I still have a long way to go though(:

Water Color on water color paper, and pscs5

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Painting for my water color class from last spring(2012). For this work we had to incorporate 7 birds into a composition using only water media.

All the Birds up here are native to North Carolina. Can you guess/name all of them?

Water colors on cotton paper(btw, DON'T ever use cotton paper with water color; after a few strokes the cotton fibers will begin to lift and tear!)
6ish hours